here are different kinds of gifts, but they are all from the same Spirit. There are different ways to serve but the same Lord to serve (1 Cor.12:4-5 NCV)

We receive Spiritual gift as portions of God’s grace not as work or activities.

Spiritual gifts is bestowed on individual  through the power of the presence of the Holy Spirit. This is made available to all believer as we yield ourselves to serve God for the good of His body- the Church. Our concern in this discourse is that God gives each of us a unique assortment of talents and opportunities.

God expects us to be faithful as He bestows  the gifts upon us by grace. But we live in a world that is full of influences that may encourage or discourage us from manifesting such gift, for the profit of all. See vs4. There can not be a reinforced manifestation of Spiritual gifts without willingness, and availability to serve on behalf of the recipient of the grace, this could also be quenched by individuals within the body through bitterness and discouragements, when they lack Spiritual discernment. This is so because gifts manifests through the Holy Spirit.

It is important to note that Spiritual gifts (note this is different with the gifts in Ephesians 4:9-13) are not badges of honor or signs of Spiritual maturity, they are not earned, but, given by given as portions of God’s grace. If we have this knowledge we must be humble in manifesting these gifts of grace to the body.

We live in a society filled with countless opportunities and vain glory, this would present us the opportunities to squander our time, our resources and our talents. So, be watchful for distractions and temptations that might lead you astray and cause a delay in manifesting the gifts as the Holy Spirit is grieved. Paul reminded Timothy to stir up the gift of God which is in him (See 2 Tim.1:6-7).

Friends, stir up the gift of God in you,  God has blessed you with unique opportunities to serve Him, and He has given you every tool and platforms that you need to serve Him. Today, quit waiting for someone to push you into the pools like the man at the pool of Bethesda, who wasted his time and life for 38 years thinking someone would help, (see John 5:7) but people would rather step on you and pull you down than help,

Take responsibility and accept this challenge: Discover your talent, value it, nourish it, magnify  your gifts  as Paul magnified his office, (Rom.11:13) make it grow, and share it with the world.

Above all, use the gifts to the glory and praise of God.