What is required in marriage by God

Most men fall into diverse temptations in their desires to express their love towards their wives. This desire to love makes them go into giving in an attempt to cultivate their love, this may merely result into temporal likeness and appreciation due to the fact that ‘things’ wanes and expires in their usefulness.

Since God is the one who created the institution of marriage, then, we must learn His pattern of preparing His creation Adam for marriage“Then the Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to tend and keep it” (Gen.2:15 NKJV)

 God gave Adam a place of abode ( He put him in the garden) to work and provided him with responsibilities to occupy his time by working. Another thing the Lord God told the man who is now employed is to carefully follow His instructions and obey them. (Vs 16-17)

These are the conditions precedent for marriage. But it is sad that our inability to strictly comply with what God expects from a man who is to be husband is what is responsible for major challenges we have at homes. Husbands who don’t know what God requires of them in their responsibilities to their wives and children can not experience a spiritual breakthrough in their marriages.

Most of these husbands allow their environment of influence to dictate what defines their identities through influence of the standards and norms of the environment. They invest in things: clothes, cars, cash, holidays just to be like the Jones. This would only lead to a temporal satisfaction, in fact, it could further fuel the amber of bitterness and acrimony between spouses.

Let me explain, while the man in an attempt to please his wife may go into further debt, but the wife may just be savuoring the moment without much concern for the source of the expenses. Note that God did not bring a woman to the man before he was given work to do with divine insight and instructions. God looked at the diligent man he created and said, It is not good that man should be alone; “I will make him a helper comparable to him”(Gen. 2:18 NKJV).

So wives are a treasure to be valued because creating a mate for Adam was God’s idea, not Adam’s. God can not be wrong all His plans are perfect. Women were created by God as a helper suitable for the man. They are to compliment the man. So marriage is God plan and It is ideal. It is lack of what God requires in marriage and His condition precedence for marriage that turns marriage from ideal to ordeal, causing them to look for a new deal.

When we have a good knowledge and understanding of what God expects of us in marriage, we shall experience spiritual breakthrough and enjoy our togetherness as husbands and wives rather than endure marriage.