To everything, there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven. (Eccl.3:1 NKJV)

God has a plan for everything He created; nothing is by chance. There is a purpose everyone must fulfil. God also provides life cycles, each with its work for us to do to lead us to our purpose according to His plan for us.

When one misses his cycle, one may struggle to fulfil his purpose.
Life is best lived on purpose. And your purpose in life begins with your creator. He alone has your manual (because you are His product) in His hand.

God has a plan for everything He created; He has the plan for your life, a divine calling, a direction in which He is leading you.

As you establish a genuine relationship with God, the earlier you welcome God into your life, the more you walk into His plan. He will begin, in time, to make His purpose known to you.

Today, know your purpose in life, stay and live on purpose, and let your life count for eternity. Don’t see yourself as a failure because of your feelings that you’re irrelevant in society; you have no connection to the powers that be; stay connected to God!

Sometimes, we act when we allow our emotions to judge God’s intentions. His plan may not always be clear to us, but we must cultivate the ability to wait to know what He wants us to do.

Wait on the Lord when the coast is not clear, when you are NOT sure which way to turn; never lose sight of the fact that: God created you for a purpose; He also has important work for you to do, and He is waiting for you to patiently abide in Him for Him to show you what to do.