God is our refuge and strength, A very present help in trouble. (Ps.46:1 NKJV)
This is indeed a psalm of trust by the sons of Korah, it means God is always present in times of trouble as our refuge and strength. Looking at other Bible translations gives us an insight into this, God is our protection and our strength. He always helps in times of trouble.  NCV
God is a safe place to hide, Ready to help when we need Him. MSG
Do we realise this as we go through daily trials of life? He is ready to help when we call on Him. A dear beloved friend of mine was desperately eager to see me yesterday, we couldn’t meet due to distance and our schedules. When I listened to him on phone about his ordeals in the hand of our men in black uniforms (Nigerian Police) I shudder at the great injustice in our country. This is a Christian, a pastor in one of the most prominent churches in Nigeria, he is someone I have known for over two decades, as such I can attest to his character, nothing in this world will make this redeemed son of God to be involved in armed robbery, but, He was robbed in and detained for five days before the Lord came as his present help.
I could help but to voice out this word in Yoruba- akoba adaba ki Oluwa ma je ji a ri. It translate as- may we not be victims of injustice. While sharing this as we journey back to the office, a beloved sister gave a more shocking story of one of her pastors who was also unjustly detained for 11 years and condemned to death before the our present help shows up. Friends,  from time to time, all of us face adversity, discouragement, or disappointment. This sometime color our hope and defines our faith in God who is our refuge and strength, we must all endure life- changing personal losses that leave us breathless, when we do, our present help shows up and protect us.
When trouble comes as it is inevitable for our walk with God, He allows it to show up as our present help and our refuge and strength.
So when troubled, call upon God, and He will do it at His own time according to His reason for allowing such trial, (because God does not do evil) He is ever present He will shield us as our hiding place.
  • Have you been victims of injustice?
  • Have you suffered loss?
  • Are you troubled?
Look up to God who is “A very present help in trouble” He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. (Ps.147:3 NKJV)
Are you anxious? Be anxious for nothing, lift up your voice and seek help from ‘A present help’, Is your world collapsing and seem to be trembling  beneath your feet?Seek protection from the One who cannot be moved. The all Knowing God our refuge and strength, A present help in trouble.
Let us Pray:
Father we are weak, but You are strong, May we receive the grace to trust in your strength in our moments of frets, good Lord grant us the grace to be able to see You  as our refuge and strength in troubled time, May we know that You are ever present to help us. In Jesus Name, Amen.