For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and His ears are open to their prayers; but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil. —1 Peter 3:12 NKJV

The story is told of a little boy and his father who visited the country store, and upon leaving the store, the own­er offered the little boy some free sweets “Get a hand full of Sweets,” the merchant said to the boy. The boy just stood there looking up at his father. The owner repeated himself: “Son, get a hand full of Sweets; it’s free.” Again, the boy did not move, but kept starring at his father.

Finally, the father reached into the candy jar and got a hand full of Sweets and gave it to his son. As they walked back home, the father stopped and asked his son why he did not grab a hand full of free candy.

The boy with a big smile looked into the face of his father and said: “Because I know that your HAND is BIGGER than mine.” This is the same way God wants us to look up to Him and trust Him to do better than what we can do. So, whatever your needs are for the new year, please place them in the fa­ther’s hand in heaven, because his hand is bigger than yours!

Friends, have you made God the cornerstone of your life, or have you simply crossed over to the new year only with the sing-song “Happy New Year”? Would you allow God to reign more in your heart or you still want to put Him in a spiritual compartment? Answer these questions genuinely. The Father loves you; He is with you in times of trouble to bail you out. What you have to do is give Him the chance to prove Himself. 

CONFESSION: In Jesus Name, I trust in God’s supernatural ability of abundance and my life prospers thereby. I will not underestimate God’s ability to provide for me.