Commit your works to the Lord, And your thoughts will be established. —Psa. 16:3 NKJV  

The word commit is a powerful word, it is the  Hebrew word – galal which means: To roll, roll down, roll away, remove. It then means that the idea to commit one’s work to the Lord is to completely give over your works to God in total dependence without an alternative plan in anticipation of a failure. Starting a business, work, or ministry requires much thoughts and decisions, more so when you are transiting from known to the unknown, when you are leaving a paid job for your desires or venture. Note that for us to succeed in what we do as work: We must establish our thoughts to check the source of our wisdom. Why are you going into what you plan to do?  

What are your motives?

Some quit their jobs out of bitterness with their establishments. Such work established out of bitterness may only survive for a while. How are you planning for the outcome of your decision? This will keep your hope alive or set you on a slippery ground, the more you hurry to recoup  what you have invested the less progress you will make, this is because God’s plan usually unfolds over time. Friends, when we commit our works to the Lord, it involves a conscious decision of absolute trust and total submission and obedience to the Lord. If we however, chose to walk in our own ways without depending on God, then circumstances and situations will dictate to us and put us under pressure. But if we chose to walk in His Spirit daily, God will establish our thoughts, once this is done, we gain wisdom to do what the Spirit inspires us to do. 

When we commit our works to the Lord as He establish our thoughts, We shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, That brings forth its fruit in its season, Whose leaf also shall not wither, And whatever we do as we fully commit everything to God shall prosper (See Ps.1:3).  

Why don’t you quit that struggle? Roll that idea, burden, desires, plans or what have you to the Lord? He is your Father, He cares for you and He is willing to make you prosperous if you do not lean on your own understanding, but depend on Him.