Husbands love your wives

I intend to revisit the issue of defining moments in our togetherness as husbands and wives; the issues of love and submission as a condition precedent for upholding and sustaining a relationship in marriage. Due to wrong teaching and understanding of what is required in marriage, most often husbands live with the belief and mentality of providers and protectors. 

Though this is very important in marriage, but when the undue emphasis is placed on this, such a husband will major in works without commensurate enthusiasm to grow in love. 

This is because such efforts towards provision and protections are sometimes not met with complimentary appreciation and applauds. 

Paul in his expose` on Marriage- Christ and the Church said, “Husbands, love your wives ,just as Christ also loved the Church and gave Himself for her” (Eph.5:25 NKJV). 

When you make loving your wife your primary responsibility, you are bound to make provision and protect the one you love as a valued treasure. Love is a process and it involves conscious determination on husbands to cultivate a habit and an environment where love would grow. Loving your wife is a life of sacrifice and that of taking responsibility for occurrences at home because he who controls the family controls the future.

Thanks to the divine intervention of God in the affairs of man, when Adam failed to take responsibility for the fall in the garden when he said, “The woman whom You gave to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I ate” (Gen.3:12 NKJV). 

From that moment onwards, men have been plagued with shifting responsibility to their spouses, but to the redeemed, this ought not to be the case. Husbands are to major on the Word, nurturing the wives by the word, so as to present them chaste,  just as Christ presented Himself without spot to the Church. 

“So husbands ought to love their own wives as their own bodies ; he who loves his wife loves himself.” Vs.28 (See Eph.5:27-33).

Friends, free yourselves from heartache, love your wives unconditionally.